

  • Follow one recipe

    Every session we’ll focus on one recipe, some classic and others with a twist.

  • Learn

    Engage in a related art, literacy, mathematic, or scientific learning experience.

  • Tidy up

    Learn to clean up the workspace and care for tools and supplies.

  • Taste test

    Taste their treats, with extra to share!

How it works

Follow these easy steps for our recipe to book your classes with us

We also offer trial classes and personalized private events.

Choose your package

Weekly after school activities

Birthday parties,

Seasonal experiences,

Play dates,

or other private events

Choose a date & time

After school activities


Birthday parties,

Seasonal experiences,

Play dates,

and other private events


Gather your group

Classes can accommodate groups of 1-4 kids per package; Siblings, friends or classmates make great baking companions!

If your group size is greater than 4, let us know and we can call in another set of baking hands!

Choose your kitchen

We come to your kitchen, and ask that weekly after school activity classes are hosted in the same kitchen every class, so pick a “home base” kitchen with your group.

Birthday parties, Seasonal experiences, Play dates, and other private events are also hosted in home kitchens.

Ready to get baking?

Have questions?

We also offer trial classes and personalized private events.